Inclusion and identities

Inclusion and identities

One of the most difficult aspects in understanding Europe in the present but also in the past has had to do with the question of European identity. Does a European identity exist? Do the Europeans feel European? And if they do, how does a feeling of belonging to Europe relate to other important collective and political identities such as national identity or indeed ethnic or minority identity? This set of questions needs to be further examined and taken apart. First of all, we need to discuss what kind of identity is or would be a ‘European’ identity. A second range of questions that is of concern with regard to European identity is the relationship between European identity, culture and diversity.

Inclusion and identities I

Inclusion and identities I

Vision Document. Participation of citizens in debates on European Identity. Jean-Louis Fabiani A contradiction has arisen within cultural public policies between the need to preserve a legitimate culture, totally Eurocentric...

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Inclusion and identities II

Inclusion and identities II

Vision Document. The Role of Religion and Secularism in Defining European Identity. Anna Triandafyllidou The European culture has been gradually invested with an activation of the old narrative on tolerance...

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